Super Cincy Expo

Code of Ethical Conduct


supercincyexpo is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment where all participants are treated with dignity and courtesy. We expect all individuals associated with our events to conduct themselves in a considerate, collaborative, and respectful manner year-round. Demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech are strictly prohibited. While engaged with supercincyexpo, we ask that you remain mindful of your surroundings and fellow participants, promptly alerting event venue security or supercincyexpostaff if you encounter any dangerous or harassing situations or individuals in distress. For questions or comments at any time, please feel free to reach out to


At supercincyexpo, we believe that every participant deserves respect, regardless of their role or capacity at the event. Unacceptable behaviors encompass but are not limited to the following: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning conduct by any attendee, speaker, partner, exhibitor, or volunteer of the event or related activities. We absolutely prohibit offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, gender identity, or disability; the use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation materials); deliberate intimidation, stalking, or unwelcome following; harassing photography or recording; prolonged disruption of talks or events; unwelcome physical contact or attention. While we encourage networking and social interaction, anyone appearing inebriated or engaging in disruptive behavior will be promptly addressed by supercincyexpo staff to ensure a positive experience for all participants. Firearms are not permitted at the event.


Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated at Super Cincy expo events, regardless of the individual’s role or affiliation. Those asked to cease unacceptable behavior are expected to comply immediately. Super Cincy expo reserves the right, at its discretion, to remove and prohibit individuals who violate this Code from attending or participating in some or all of the events without refund. Additionally, individuals who breach this Code may be barred from attending or participating in any future Super Cincy expo events. This Code serves as general guidance and may not cover every type of unacceptable behavior. supercincyexpo reserves the right to take corrective action in cases not explicitly outlined here.
This Code of Conduct is subject to modification at any time and for any reason..

super cincy expo Panelist Policy:

By accepting the opportunity to present programming at super cincy expo, programming participants (referred to as panelists) willingly agree to the following terms and conditions:
Compliance with Policies:

Panelists acknowledge that their participation in super cincy expo programming obliges them to adhere to all event policies, including but not limited to our anti-harassment policy, security policy, and cosplay policy.

Confirmed Participation:

Only confirmed panelists will have the privilege to present during approved sessions at supercincyexpo

Timely Sessions:

Only confirmed panelists will have the privilege to present during approved sessions at supercincyexpo

Cancellation Communication:

Only confirmed panelists will have the privilege to present during approved sessions at supercincyexpo

Hate Symbols and Hate Speech:

Super Cincy expo strictly prohibits the display of hate symbols, even as part of a cosplay. Additionally, any form of hate speech or harassment targeting individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, age, disability, or religion is not tolerated before, during, or after presentations. Determination of behavior in violation of this policy rests solely with Super Cincy expo.

Audience Interaction:

Panelists recognize that they are under no obligation to respond to questions that make them feel uncomfortable during audience Q&A sessions. They have the right to request the intervention of room monitors or other supercincyexpo staff if anyone is causing discomfort or violating our anti-harassment policy.

Scheduling Adjustments:

Super Cincy expo reserves the right to modify the timing and/or location of programming at any point. Staff will make efforts to communicate such changes in advance.

Audio-Visual Requirements:

Panelists acknowledge that most panel rooms will be equipped with microphones, screens, projectors (VGA or HDMI), and audio patches. Panelists are responsible for providing their own laptops or equipment for presentations. Specific room setup and AV requirements must be submitted to the Programming Coordinator at least 2 months before the event.

Immediate Resolution of Issues:

In the case of unresolved problems, panelists are encouraged to seek assistance from event staff promptly.

Application Deadline:

Late programming applications will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Passes and Ticket Policies:

Panelists interested in different passes, such as VIP Passes, must purchase them separately. super cincy expo adheres to a strict ticket policy, and all pass sales are final, non-refundable, and non-transferable.

Compensation and Expenses:

Super Cincy expo does not provide speaking or appearance fees and does not cover travel, lodging, or meal expenses for panelists. By participating in Super Cincy expo as a panelist, individuals demonstrate their commitment to creating a positive, inclusive, and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

Super Cincy Expo General Rules:

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone at super cincy expo, we kindly request that you adhere to the following rules and guidelines:
Badge Display:

Please prominently display your Super Cincy expo badge around your neck at all times while attending the event. This helps our staff identify attendees and ensures smooth entry to all convention areas.

Friendly Atmosphere:

Be courteous and embrace the spirit of fun! All super cincy expo attendees are here to have a great time, so don't hesitate to make new friends, engage in friendly conversations, and fully enjoy your time at the event.

Respectful Behavior:

Offensive or inappropriate behavior has no place at Super Cincy expo. We expect all attendees to conduct themselves respectfully. Our staff and security personnel reserve the right to request individuals to leave the convention without refunding the badge cost in cases of inappropriate conduct.

Costume Policy:

While creativity is encouraged, remember that "naked" is not a costume. Please wear appropriate attire while attending super cincy expo. Refer to our costume policy for specific guidelines.

Weapons Policy:

Comply with our weapons policy for the safety of all attendees. Given current circumstances, any item resembling a real gun will be treated as such by our security team and local law enforcement.

Property and Personal Responsibility:

super cincy expo is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property or for any injuries sustained during the event.

Facility Respect:

Help us maintain the convention facilities by refraining from attaching signs to walls, littering, and smoking in non-designated smoking areas, among other considerations.

Event Updates:

Please be aware that special events and guest appearances are subject to change or cancellation, sometimes at the last minute. We will keep you informed of any alterations via the super cincy expo website, our official mobile app, and our social media channels.

Recording Consent:

When purchasing a badge and entering Super Cincy expo, you consent to being recorded (via audio, visual, and/or other means) for exhibition and exploitation in all media formats, now known or developed in the future, on a global scale and indefinitely.

Autograph and Badge Sales:

All autograph and badge sales are final. We do not offer refunds or exchanges for these purchases. By attending super cincy expo and abiding by these general rules, you contribute to creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment for all participants. Thank you for your cooperation!

Super cincy expo Cosplay and Costume Weapons Policy:

At super cincy expo, we take great care to ensure that our cosplay community adheres to safety and decency standards, aligning with the all-ages nature of our event. To guarantee an enjoyable experience for all attendees, whether in costume or not, we’ve established the following cosplay guidelines:
Appropriate Attire:

Please refrain from nudity in your costume, and ensure that you are wearing proper undergarments. If you have any doubts about the appropriateness of your costume, feel free to contact our Costume/Cosplay staff for guidance. KingCon NW reserves the right to determine what is suitable for our diverse audience.

Costume Durability:

Your costume should be sturdily constructed to withstand the convention's activities. Super Cincy expo cannot be held responsible for any damage to your costume during the event, and our staff may request a costume change if it is deemed unacceptable.

No Solicitation Signs:

Signs offering services or requests for physical contact, such as hugs, are not permitted within the convention. While we understand the desire for friendly interactions, please do not carry such signs.


For safety reasons, all attendees must wear protective footwear with a hard sole. Unitards or stocking feet are not considered sufficient. Failure to comply may result in a request to wear appropriate shoes.

Size Considerations:

Large wings, props, or costumes are welcome, but please be mindful of door sizes. If your costume exceeds 8 feet in height or 3 feet in width, it may not fit through the doors. Whenever possible, make oversized components detachable. While there is no specific limit on costume or prop size, we emphasize safety and responsibility for any damage caused by your costume.

Ease of Movement:

Your costume must allow for movement with limited assistance. • Uniform Clarification: If you plan to wear a realistic-looking uniform, please ensure that it is distinguishable as a costume. We want to avoid any confusion with local law enforcement.

Hateful Symbols:

KingCon NW does not permit costumes featuring hateful symbols or items associated with unspeakable atrocities, even in historical context. This includes, but is not limited to, costumes related to Nazi characters from entertainment properties.

Prop Weapons:

While prop weapons are allowed, they must adhere to our weapons policy. Please review our weapons policy to ensure compliance with any prop weapons associated with your costume.

Convention Passes:

Visible convention passes and peace bonding is required at all times while inside the Convention Center.

Electrical Power:

No electrical power connections will be provided for costumes. If your costume requires power, it must be an integral part of your costume design.


If you have any questions or uncertainties regarding your costume, please don't hesitate to ask. Reach out to for assistance.


Super Cincy expo is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for all fans. To maintain this environment during our cosplay meetups, we request that all hosts adhere to the following Cosplay Meetup Host Code of Conduct:

Embrace the diversity of our cosplay community and welcome all attendees, regardless of their cosplay expertise or costume craftsmanship. Encourage fellow fans with an open and friendly attitude.

Respect Privacy:

Respect attendees' right to privacy. Do not require personal information for participation or engage in forced interactions on social media. Understand that not all fans have the means or desire to share personal details.

Photo Sharing:

If you plan to take photos during the meetup, please make an effort to share those photographs with the participants, allowing everyone to enjoy the memories.

Have Fun:

Finally, have a great time hosting your cosplay meetup! We appreciate your dedication to the cosplay community and are grateful for your enthusiasm and support.

Thank you for helping to create a vibrant and inclusive cosplay experience at Super Cincy expo.

Super cincy expo Harassment Policy:

Super Cincy expo is dedicated to fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all attendees, regardless of their background, identity, or fandom. We unequivocally condemn harassment in any form. Harassment encompasses various behaviors, including but not limited to physical assault, verbal abuse, sexual harassment, stalking, unwanted physical contact, unwelcome advances, and inappropriate photography. The definition of harassment is determined by the individual who feels victimized. If it is brought to our attention, either through observation or a formal complaint, that an individual or group has engaged in harassment towards another attendee, the following actions may be taken:

The individual or group involved may receive a warning to cease and desist their harassing behavior.


They may be asked to leave the convention premises.


In some cases, they may be banned from attending future KingCon NW events for a duration decided by our staff.

For your own safety and the well-being of others, we strongly encourage you to report any harassment incidents to us before taking any other action. If you cannot locate a staff member, crew, or volunteer for assistance, please visit one of our information desks near registration or the entrance of the exhibition floor. Reporting to us allows us to address the situation promptly and professionally, as we have trained security personnel who are equipped to handle such matters. We prioritize your safety and comfort at KingCon NW.

Super Cincy expo Photography Policy:

Photography is welcome and encouraged at Super Cincy expo, but to ensure the safety and convenience of all attendees, we kindly request that you adhere to the following guidelines:
No Photography in High-Traffic Areas:

Please refrain from taking photographs in high-traffic areas, such as near doors, escalators, and busy hallways. To capture memorable moments, we ask that you move to designated photography areas.

Respectful Photography:

Inappropriate photography is strictly prohibited. Inappropriate photography is defined as any photography that makes subjects feel stalked, exploited, degraded, or disrespected through the act of being photographed. While we understand that photographers may want to capture the fantastic costumes and cosplayers at the convention, it is essential that photography remains respectful and non-harassing. If photography becomes harassing or takes on a sexual nature, it will be subject to our harassment policy.

Super Cincy expo values the comfort and well-being of all attendees, and we appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a respectful photography environment.

Super Cincy expo Cosplay Policy:

Cosplay is an integral part of the Super Cincy expo experience, and we want to ensure that everyone enjoys a fun and safe time at the convention. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our cosplay policy and abide by the rules. Violating this policy may result in removal from Super Cincy expo without a refund.
Prohibited Weapons:

For the safety of all attendees, certain weapons are not allowed at Super Cincy expo. These include, but are not limited to: • Functional firearms, including paintball, airsoft, BB guns, cap guns, and any firearm that shoots real projectiles or causes real explosions. • Realistic firearms that could be mistaken for real guns. • Prop weapons made of hard materials such as metal, wood, or glass. • Functional projectile weapons, such as crossbows or slingshots. • Metal-bladed weapons. • Whips. • Explosives. • Blunt weapons like bats, clubs, or hockey sticks. • Loud props like whistles and horns.

Approved Prop Weapons:

We do allow prop weapons at KingCon NW provided they meet the following criteria: • Prop weapons must be constructed from lightweight materials like cardboard or foam. • Prop firearms are permitted only if they cannot be mistaken for real weapons. • Prop bows are allowed, as long as all arrows have soft tips and will not be used for shooting. The final decision regarding prop weapons rests with KingCon NW staff and uniformed security personnel. Safety is our top priority, and we will always prioritize caution. There will be no on-site storage for prohibited weapons. If you possess a prohibited weapon, you will be escorted from the premises and will not be allowed re-entry with the weapon.

Inclusive Atmosphere:

Super Cincy expo celebrates a wide range of costumes, from heroes to villains and everything in between. However, we do not tolerate the display of hateful symbols at our event. While historical costumes can be a source of creativity and enjoyment, we firmly believe that reminders of unspeakable atrocities have no place at KingCon NW. This includes any costumes that attempt to “ironically” or satirically re-appropriate Nazi paraphernalia or gear.

Thank you for adhering to our cosplay policy, which helps create a safe and enjoyable environment for all KingCon NW attendees.

Please contact us at with any questions.

Prohibited Weapons:

For the safety of all attendees, certain weapons are not allowed at KingCon NW. These include, but are not limited to:
• Functional firearms, including paintball, airsoft, BB guns, cap guns, and any firearm that shoots real projectiles or causes real explosions.
• Realistic firearms that could be mistaken for real guns.
• Prop weapons made of hard materials such as metal, wood, or glass.
• Functional projectile weapons, such as crossbows or slingshots.
• Metal-bladed weapons.
• Whips.
• Explosives.
• Blunt weapons like bats, clubs, or hockey sticks.
• Loud props like whistles and horns.

Approved Prop Weapons:

We do allow prop weapons at KingCon NW provided they meet the following criteria:

• Prop weapons must be constructed from lightweight materials like cardboard or foam.
• Prop firearms are permitted only if they cannot be mistaken for real weapons.
• Prop bows are allowed, as long as all arrows have soft tips and will not be used for shooting.
The final decision regarding prop weapons rests with KingCon NW staff and uniformed security personnel. Safety is our top priority, and we will always prioritize caution. There will be no on-site storage for prohibited weapons. If you possess a prohibited weapon, you will be escorted from the premises and will not be allowed re-entry with the weapon.